Fishing in Namibia
Crossroads Car Hire offers a range of Toyota Hilux Double Cab 4x4's for angling excursions along the west coast of Namibia. Vehicles are equipped with rod holders and/or roof racks holders for your rod storage. A comprehensive list of additional extra's are available on request such as Fishing knifes, boards, rod holders, tables & chairs, fridges and a lot more to ensure a hassle free Fishing trip.
The Namibian coastline see's thousands of anglers from all over the world in search for that "Big One" and we have seen many a pictures of our Customers that have been so lucky.
Common angling species found along the Namibian coastline are kabeljou, galjoen, blacktail (dassie) and steenbras. Shark angling is another favourite amongst the locals and vistors. Common shark species found are bronzy, cowshark, smooth hound shark and spotted gully shark. Shark-angling excursions are offered by tour operators in Swakopmund, Walvis Bay and Henties Bay. Ask us for more information on these tour operators. Namibia follows a national action plan to conserve shark species, under which all sharks should be returned to the sea live and unharmed.
Popular angling spots are found from the south of Walvis Bay all the way north into the Skeleton Coast. Some of the popular spots are Paaltjies, Die Walle, Grysduin, Trappies, Mile 72, Canopy, Horing Baai, Baklei Gat, Winston, Torra Bay and Terrace Bay to name a few. For co-ordinates and more information on these popular angling spots, please enquire with you of our Rental Agents.
Generally November to March is considered to be the better angling months due to the warmer temperature experienced however all species can be caught throughout the year.
Angling Regulations
Regulations related to the exploitation of Marine Resources, made in terms of section 61(1) of the new Marine Resources Act, (Act No 27 of 2000), came into force on the 1st August 2001 and was amended on 7th December 2001.
Regulation 5 and 7: PERMITS
Every person who angle for recreational purposes must be in possession of an angling permit, which can be obtained from the office of Sea Fisheries, Aquarium Strand Street, Swakopmund Telephone: 064-4101000
Office hours:
Monday – Friday: 08:00 to 17:00
Saturday, Sunday & public holidays: 08:00 – 13:00
A permit for one month is N$14.00 and for one year N$168.00.
Only a hook and line, a scoop net to lift rock lobsters from the water, a ring net or diving is allowed.
Regulation 8: DAILY BAG LIMIT
This regulation determines the daily quota that can be caught by an angler namely:
Barbel: 30
Snoek: 20
Shark: 1
Cob, West Coast steenbras, blacktail and galjoen: 10 in total.
The following sizes are determined for blacktail, galjoen, kob, and steenbras:
Blacktail: Minimum size of 25 cm;
Galjoen: Minimum size of 30 cm;
Cob: Minimum size of 40 cm, but not more than 2 individuals longer than 70 cm (head and tail included);
Steenbras: Minimum size of 40 cm, but not more than 2 indivduals longer than 65 cm (head and tail included).
Rock Lobster: The season and the minimum size remains unchanged, i.e. from 1st November to 30th April, both days included and 65mm carapace length respectively. The maximum number a person may catch and retain, is seven (7) rock lobster per day per permit holder. A person may not harvest any rock lobster between sunset and sunrise.
Marine Resources that may be harvested without a fishing permit
- 1 kg of aquatic plants, other than brown seaweed;
- 50 black mussels;
- 2,5 kg dry weight or 10 kg wet weight of brown seaweed;
- 15 limpets
- 5 molluscs, other than black mussel, limpet, periwinkle or white mussel;
- 25 periwinkles;
- 10 kg of seashells; and
- 25 white mussels that is not passable through a ring with an inner diameter of 38 mm, when it is in a whole state.
Regulation 9 – Prohibited species
- Worms are prohibited.
- Red bait may not be cut or in any other way dislodged from the substract, only red bait which has been washed op on the sea shore may be collected.
Regulation 11: TRANSPORT OF FISH
Each angler per vehicle in possession of a permit may transport 3 times the daily bag limit, but not more than 10 of each of the following species: Kob, steenbras, galjoen and blacktail. All four these species must be in a whole state, head and tail included in order to determine the size.
That means that each angler in possession of a permit may transport the following amount of fish, regardless of how many persons are travelling in one vehicle:
Barbel: 90
Snoek: 60
Shark: 3
Kob, steenbras, blacktail and galjoen: 30 in total, but not more than 10 of each specie and all in a whole state. Of the 10 kob allowed, 6 may be longer than 70 cm and of the 10 steenbras allowed, 6 may be longer than 65cm, head and tail included.
Rock lobster: 7, all in a whole state.
One very positive aspect of the regulations is that every person in a vehicle may now transport his/her own quota of fish, which is the cumulative bag for three days, provided he/she is in possession of a permit. This gives a group of people the opportunity to travel with one vehicle and each transporting his/her own quota of 30 fish. Anglers must make sure that they have their permits with them at all times.
Media Release by the Permanent Secretary Fisheries and Marine Resources 21 December 2001 Harvesting for Recreational Purposes
Regulations related to the exploitation of Marine Resources, made in terms of section 61(1) of the new Marine Resources Act, (Act No 27 of 2000), came into force on the 1st August 2001 and amended on 7th December 2001. A large number of visitors enjoy recreational fishing along the coast. It is then important that the general public takes note of some relevant aspects of the new Marine Resources Regulations. Conservation measures include inter alia the following:
Regulation 5 – Permit.
(1) A person who, for recreational purposes harvests in Namibian waters, must –
a. be in possession of a fishing permit; and
b. carry out such harvesting subject to the conditions prescribed by these regulations.
(2) A person referred to in subregulation (1), who is found without a fishing permit-
a. is guilty of an offence; and
b. must produce that permit within a period of 21 days from the day on which the person pays the fine prescribed in regulation 39 (h) (iii) in respect of a failure to comply with subregulation (1) (a)
(3) A person, who fails to produce a fishing permit within the period of time prescribed by subregulation (2), is guilty of an offence.
Regulation 6 – Means of harvest for recreational purposes
A person may not for recreational purposes harvest marine resources by any means other than-
a. a hook and line, whether operated by a rod and reel or otherwise, and using a scoop net to lift rock lobsters from the water once they have been reeled to the surface;
b. a ring net; or
c. diving.
Regulation 7 – Issuance of recreational permits
1) A fishing permit for recreational purposes referred to in regulation 5 (a) must be issued by the Minister or by any person or authority authorised thereto by the Minister, if that person or authority agreed to do so.
2) A fishing permit-
a. must be issued in the form set out in Annexure L; and
b. may be issued for a period of either one month or one year and may be obtained upon payment of a fee determined by the Minister as illustrated below.
One month against payment of N$14.00
One year against payment of N$168.00.
Fishing permits for recreational purposes are now available at the below listed places:
Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources
Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C,
C/O Uhland & Goethe Street,
Private Bag 133355, Windhoek
Telephone: 061 2053911
Facsimile: 061-240412
Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources
Inspectorate Office, 1st Street,
P.O. Box 1594, Walvis Bay
Telephone: 064-2016111
Facsimile: 064-205008
Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources
NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street,
P.O. Box 912 , Swakopmund
Telephone: 064-4101000
Facsimile: 064-404385
Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources
Inspectorate Office
P.O. Box 394, Luderitz
Telephone: 063-202905
Facsimile: 063-203337
Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources
Henties Bay Fishing Centre,
Telephone: +264-64-500320
However, we have noticed that some anglers are not bringing the required documentation when purchasing the permits. We urge the public to produce Identity Cards or Passports for intended permit holders. Anglers under the age of 18 are requested to produce birth certificates and passport photos in order for them to be issued with fishing permits.
Regulation 8 – Daily bag limit
(1) A person may not, for recreational purposes, in one day harvest more than-
a. 30 fish of the species barbel;
b. 20 fish of the species snoek
c. one (1) shark
(4) Subject to subregulation (3) an 11 (1) a person may for recreational purposes harvest any of the following species of fish:
a. blacktail (dassie);
b. galjoen;
c. kob (kabeljou;
d. West Coast steenbras;
Provided that the total of fish harvested does not exceed 10 in one day.
(5) A person may not harvest any species of fish referred to in subregulation (2), which is smaller or larger, as the case may be, than the size specified in Annexure J.
For the purpose of subregulation 8(3), the species referred to in regulation 8(2) may not, including head and tail, be shorter than –
a. 25 cm in the case of blacktail (dassie);
b. 30 cm in the case of galjoen;
c. Subject to 2(a), 40 cm in the case of kob (kabeljou);and,
d. Subject to paragraph 2 (b) 40 cm in the case of West Coast steenbras.
Notwithstanding paragraph 1(c) and (d), a person harvesting for recreational purposes may not in one day harvest-
a) more than 2 individuals of kob that are each longer than 70 cm, including head and tail;
b) more than 2 individuals of West coast steenbras that are each longer than 65 cm including head and tail.
(5) A person may not-
a. harvest more than 7 rock lobsters in one day; or
b. accumulate or have in his or her possession more than 7 rock lobsters.
Regulation 11 – Possession and Transport of marine resources
1) A person may not have in his or her possession or transport in a vehicle or vessel any quantity of marine resources caught for recreational purposes-
a. which exceeds the accumulated bag of more than three days in respect of the fish referred to in subregulation 8(1) and (2): Provided that, in respect of regulation 8(2), the accumulated bag of 30 fish does not contain more than 10 fish of one particular species of fish and;
b. without being in possession of a fishing permit.
2) A person may have in his or her possession or transport in a vehicle or vessel fish referred to in subregulation 8(1) and (2), or rock lobsters referred to in regulation 8(4), on behalf of another person, providing that person is present and in possession of a fishing permit.
3) A person may not have in his or her possession or transport in a vehicle or vessel fish, which is not in a whole state, if that fish is subjected to the size limits referred to in regulation 8(3).
Rock Lobster
The Fishing season and the minimum size remains unchanged, i.e. from 1st November to 30th April, both days included and 65mm carapace length respectively. The maximum number a person may catch and retain, is seven (7) rock lobster per day per permit holder. No more than seven (7) rock lobster per permit holder shall be transported at any time in or on a vehicle and such lobster shall be in a whole state. A person may not harvest any rock lobster between sunset and sunrise.
Quantity or mass of Marine Resources that may be harvested for own use without a fishing permit
a. 1 kg of aquatic plants, other than brown seaweed;
b. 50 black mussels;
c. 2,5 kg dry weight or 10 kg wet weight of brown seaweed;
d. 15 limpets
e. 5 molluscs, other than black mussel, limpet, periwinkle or white mussel;
f. 25 periwinkles;
g. 10 kg of seashells; and
h. 25 white mussels.
A person referred to in subregulation (5) may not harvest or have in his or her possession-
a. more than the quantity specified in Annexure K in respect of the marine resources referred to in that Annexure; or
b. white mussel that is able to pass through a ring with an inner diameter of 38 mm, when it is in a whole state.
Fishing areas for recreational purposes
Fishing for recreational purposes is allowed only in the following areas:
a. Terrace Bay and Torra Bay
b. From the Ugab River to Walvis Bay (excluding the Cape Cross area)
c. Pelican Point to Sandwich Harbour
d. From the northern limits of Lüderitz Bay to Grosse Bucht; and
e. From Pamona Island to the Orange River.
Regulation 9 – Prohibited species
A person may not –
a. use as bait or have in his or her possession any worms, (worms are prohibited);
b. collect any red bait by cutting or in any other way dislodging the red bait from the substract, except red bait which has been washed op on the sea shore.
A fishing permit for recreational purposes must be presented to Fisheries Inspectors during inspections or on request.